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How are user account passwords stored when user access to Blue Prism is configured to use Blue Prism Native Authentication (as opposed to Single Sign-on)

How are user account passwords stored when user access to Blue Prism is configured to use Blue Prism Native Authentication (as opposed to Single Sign-on)?

When using Blue Prism native authentication in v5.0.32 and above the password is stored as a PBKDF2 32-byte hash. The hash is generated when users reset their password, and additionally when first logging in after having upgraded from a version of Blue Prism that is older than 5.0.32.
  • The hash is generated using a 32-byte randomly generated salt; based on 64000 hash rounds; and is base64 encoded.
  • The 32-byte user-specific salt is regenerated each time the user resets their password. This action uses the .NET Framework class RNGCryptoServiceProvider
  • The password validation also uses constant time comparison to prevent information being deduced based on the time required for the authentication validation to occur.


  1. Hello Buddy,
    Thanks for the tip, appreciate it. Your article definitely helped me to understand the core concepts.
    I’m most excited about the details your article touch based! I assume it doesn’t come out of the box, it sounds like you are saying we’d need to write in the handlers ourselves.
    Is there any other articles you would recommend to understand this better?

    I am not able to delete process.
    Getting error:

    "An error occurred while deleting the process: Could not delete the process. This process has been run before and is required for audit"
    Not able to delete process in BP?
    Please help.
    Excellent tutorials - very easy to understand with all the details. I hope you will continue to provide more such tutorials.

    Many Thanks,

  2. Greetings Mate,
    Thank u for sharing this unique article. Definitely a life saver.

    as the title says, when using the function Now () to get the actual time, I’m getting the wrong hour, like 3 hours of differences. How can I configure this? the system machine has the right date time configuration so I don’t think that’s the problem, also I tried this on a different machine, and got the same issue. So, I think is something that needs to be configure in blue prism.
    Date Time in Now () not the actual time?
    Thanks for your help.
    Excellent tutorials - very easy to understand with all the details. I hope you will continue to provide more such tutorials.

  3. Hi There,

    THANKS SO MUCH for sharing this! I would love to buy you a coffee since I now won’t be up all night that has been driving me crazy (until now!!). I just wish I knew what was going wrong but so glad it’s in the right place now! Thanks again:)

    Excellent tutorials - very easy
    to understand with all the details. I hope you will continue to provide more such tutorials.
    Kind Regards,
    Ajeeth kapoor

  4. Hello There,

    Very cool to see your post come up when I was searching this topic!

    I am fairly new to Blue prism. I want to grade students based on their percentages, I am pulling the data from excel storing it in a collection and passing the collection's percentage field as input to the choice criterion, wherein I would compare the percentage with the range of numbers and write the grades accordingly back to the excel file in a separate column. I have not defined the structure of the collection simply for the fact that there may be hundreds if columns in an excel sheet and it won't be practical to define fields in that case, so blue prism will itself create the structure based on the excel sheet. I am using work queues.

    The problem is, my collection. Percentage field is getting the data as text type but I need it to be as a number type so that I can compare it in the choice stage, I have tried to change the percentage column in excel as number but to no avail, the data still remains text type. How could I go about it?
    Data from excel is of text type while in choice I need to compare it to number type?

    Anyways great write up, your efforts are much appreciated.

    Irene Hynes

  5. Hi There,

    Thanks for the tip, appreciate it. Your article definitely helped me to understand the core concepts.
    I’m most excited about the details your article touch based! I assume it doesn’t come out of the box, it sounds like you are saying we’d need to write in the handlers ourselves.
    Is there any other articles you would recommend to understand this better?
    I am trying to read CSV file to a collection which has one of the field as date. free robotics process automation course uk This is being interpreted as a wrong date. How to switch off this interpretation and get the date as is i.e. as Text.
    When Trying to read a CSV file to collection?

    By the way do you have any YouTube videos, would love to watch it. I would like to connect you on LinkedIn, great to have experts like you in my connection (In case, if you don’t have any issues).
    Please keep providing such valuable information.

    Many Thanks,
