Blue Prism API


Blue Prism API

The Blue Prism API provides a common interface for components such as Blue Prism Hub and subsequently the Control Room plugin to connect with the Blue Prism database. It also provides a series of predefined capabilities that can be used by custom solutions to interact with Blue Prism programmatically using a RESTful API.

The latest information about the minimum specifications of each Blue Prism component can be found in Blue Prism software and hardware requirements.

Blue Prism Hub Control Room includes a diagram of the Blue Prism API in a highly available environment.

For details of how to install and configure the Blue Prism API, see Blue Prism API.

Frequently asked questions: Blue Prism API

Does the Blue Prism API only work with Authentication Server authentication?

Yes, Authentication Server is required to use the Blue Prism API.

Can the Blue Prism API co-exist on the Hub server?

Yes, but the scale of your environment and high availability must considered when making this decision.

Does the Blue Prism API have its own database?

No, a separate database is not required.

Can the Blue Prism API be installed in a highly available (HA) configuration?

Yes, this is supported.

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