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Does Blue Prism support integration with the SAP BAPI programming interfaces?

Does Blue Prism support integration with the SAP BAPI programming interfaces?

Blue Prism is designed to replicate the work of an End User via the user interface. Occasionally we provide some custom VBOs which deviate from this premise and offer further application integration via API code, but SAP BAPI is not one of the VBOs which we have created.

You may wish to investigate the possibility of creating your own interface to the SAP BAPI using custom Code Stages, and we offer some basic guidance on how to do this via this document:

If you need more specific guidance on your particular circumstances then there are other channels you can investigate for assistance including:-
  • Posting your question on the Blue Prism Forums for other customers, developers and consultants to offer their experience
  • Requesting a paid engagement with Blue Prism's Professional Services team for them to help you design your solution via your Blue Prism Account Manager

1 comment:

  1. The link is not working. Is he document "Extending Automations via the .NET Framework" still available? Many thanks.
