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If a license expires today does it expire at midnight in UTC time? How is license expiry information checked?

If a license expires today does it expire at midnight in UTC time? How is license expiry information checked?

Blue Prism checks if the licence's expiry date is before midnight today, local time. That's the local time of wherever the check is occurring.

For determining which parts of the client application to enable/disable, or for displaying data in the licence area in System -> License section, this will be the local time of the machine running the Interactive Client.

For checking if some licence-specific aspect of the product can be used (e.g. Process Alerts, Credentials, Blue Prism Server, Resource Pools), that check is done at the point of use, which is typically the Interactive Client or on the Runtime Resource.

For testing limits (e.g. the number of concurrent sessions or resources) the check is done on the Application Server at the point of creating or registering whatever it is that's limited.

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